Life to Love People and With Love We Can Live

Interfaith Conference

Well, as we know in this world more than 6 billion people are living together. They come from different culture, race, religion, etc. That's why we come to United States is to build a mutual understanding about another culture. One of them are Religion.

I was invited by Peace Lutheran Church committee to talk in front of teens about Islamic Religion. It's actually my first time to talk in front of people outside country from different religion with English language. As some people know actually my English is not so good. So, I was really nervous to talk in front of all of these people. But, for goodness why not, right ? They want to know more about How's the real Islam ad How's Islam looks like. There was another teens from another religion like Syiah, Christian, Hindu, Buddha, Truth, Jews, and Protestant. Not just me who gave presentation, but they too. We share a lot of thing about religion. People are interesting to asking so many question about Islam because in America Islamophobia is still very strong.

This conference was held to prevent bad effect of prejudice about one religion because people just see from one side. They never know the real aspect about Islam, Hindu, etc. So, this conference is very helpful for them to know more about another religion. Still many people are thinking that Islam is terrorist, Islam is barbarous and cruel, etc. So, I try the best I can do to clear all of this misguided mind and try to introduce the real Muslim and real Islam.

I try to talk with the theme "Islam is Rahmatan lil Alamiin". I took one verse from Quran in surah an-nur. "Inna anzalnahu illa rahmatan lil alamiin". That's mean, Allah swt delegate PBUH Muhammad to be rahmat lil alamin. To spread all the goodness, to teach people about good thing and kindness. Beside that I explain that many verses in Al-Qur'an is talking about Isa or what they believe as Jesus. I explain how's Qur'an explaining Isa since he was born until he will come back to this world.  After i read and explain this verse. They become more curious to know more about Islam. I was glad can introduce Islam to people around the world and to clear all the bad prejudice about Islam. 
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